Over the past few years, Star-Tastic Gymnastics has chosen Crisis as one of the charities that they choose to support.
Club Director, Stacey believes it is really important to show our young gymnasts and assistant coaches how fortunate they are and that is really important to help that are less fortunate than themselves.
What is Crisis at Christmas?
Sadly, this Christmas thousands of people will be alone with nowhere to call home – and many will be experiencing their first without a secure and safe home this Christmas. At Christmas and throughout the year, Crisis helps people directly out of homelessness and campaigns for the social changes needed to solve it altogether. Each Christmas we mobilise a unique volunteering effort to provide warmth, companionship and vital services to people facing homelessness. This year marks the 50th anniversary of our Crisis Christmas centres. Back in 1971, Crisis volunteers hosted our very first ‘Open Christmas’ with shelter and food for people experiencing homelessness. Fast forward to 2021, and volunteers are still as integral as ever to our work during Christmas.
Alongside raising funds through our raffle at our upcoming competitions we will be collecting the following items to create into care packages to be handed out in London:
- Male clothing – jumpers, trousers/tracksuit bottoms shirts, t-shirts, socks, shoes/boots, coats, thermal clothing, underwear
- Female Clothing – jumpers, t-shirts, trousers/leggings/tracksuit bottoms, underwear, socks, shoes/boots, coats, thermal clothing,
- Toilettres – toothbrushes, toothpaste, grooming products, deodorants,
If you have any items you wish to donate then please ensure that they are freshly washed and bagged up. You can hand them into at any session at Rosebery School or Tadworth and we will ensure these items will get to those that need them this Christmas.
As as well to help with our fundraising at the competitions if you have any items you can donate for the raffle such as advent calendars, selection boxes, soft toys etc then please also bring them into your sessions. Your help is greatly appreciated.