Since 2013, Star-Tastic Gymnastics has been running before and after-school gymnastics and parkour clubs across Surrey and West Sussex. These clubs are a great way for your child to have an introduction to gymnastics or parkour in an environment that they already know and feel comfortable in.

If you would like Star-Tastic Gymnastics to bring gymnastics or parkour to your school, then we would love to hear from you. We are already working with over 9 schools in Surrey and West Sussex and we would love to partner with more schools.

We can help your your school or college to deliver gymnastics and parkour in the best possible way! We would love the opportunity to talk to you about how we can work together with regards to running exclusive school clubs, PPA Cover or Continued Professional Development.

Below are the details of the exclusive classes we run at the following schools  for the Spring Term 2024. You will be emailed when bookings are ready to be opened.


General Gymnastics (Year Reception  – Year 2 )

7.50am-8.35 am

Runs from Tuesday 9th January until Tuesday 26th March excluding half term.

Cost per term: £74.25  for the 11-week term (£6.75  per class)


Mixed Gymnastics 3:20 pm – 4:35 pm (School Pupils Only)

Runs from Monday 8th January to Monday 25th March excluding Half Term

Cost per term: £85.25  for the 11-week term (£7.75 per class)


Powerhouse Parkour Year Reception – Year 2  3:15 pm- 4:15 pm

Gymnastics  Reception – Year 2  3:15 pm- 4:15 pm

Runs from Tuesday 9th January  – Tuesday 26th March excluding Half Term.

Cost per term: £82.50  for the 11-week term (£7.50 per class)


Gymnastics Year Reception – Year 2 3:15 pm- 4:15 pm

Gymnastics (Year 3-6) 3:15 pm- 4:15 pm

Runs from Friday 12th January – Friday 22nd March excluding Half Term and Inset Day Friday 9th February

Cost per term: £67.50  for the 9-week term (£7.50 per class)


General Gymnastics & Tumbling 3.30pm-4.45pm

Runs from Monday 8th January to Monday 11th March excluding Half Term.

Cost per term: £72 for the 9-week term (£8 per class)


General Gymnastics and Tumbling 3.30pm-4.45pm

Runs from Wednesday 10th January to Wednesday 13th March excluding Half Term.

Cost per term: £72  for the 9-week term (£8 per class)


Mixed Gymnastics 3:15pm-4:30pm (Infants) and 3:20pm-4:30pm (Juniors)

Runs from Wednesday 10th January to Wednesday 20th March excluding Half Term.

Cost per term: £80  for the 10-week term


Infant Gymnastics  3:25pm – 4:25pm

Junior Gymnastics 4:30pm – 5.45pm

Runs from Monday 9th January to  Monday 18th March excluding Half Term

Infants: Cost per term: £75  for the 10 -week term (£7.50 per class)

Juniors: Cost per term: £80  for the 10-week term (£8 per class)

Fridays: –

Mixed Gymnastics (Reception to Year 4) 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm

Runs from Friday 12th January – Friday 22nd March  excluding Half Term.

Cost per term: £75  for the  10 week term

(£7.50 per class)


Beginners (Infant -Years Reception – 2) Gymnastics 3:10 pm – 4:25 pm

Intermediate (Juniors – Years 3-6) Gymnastics 4:30 pm – 5:45 pm

Runs from TBC excluding Half Term.

Cost per term: £TBC0  for the TBC -week term (£8.50 per class)


General Gymnastics (Mixed) 8:00 am – 8:45 am

Runs from TBC excluding Half Term .

Cost per term: £TBC  for the TBC -week term (£7 per class)